Pink Corruption Fanon Wiki

Blixer Yoshi is a green GD x JSAB crossover character based off of both Cube and Dub(Blixer) and is a main OC of the Social Media user of the same name and also one of the main characters in Multiverse Corruption. He plays a role as a gun & sword wielding shape, being either a Regal Warrior/Knight or a Gunslinger or an Assassin, and more importantly the main primary leader of the Polystorm Group.


Blixer Yoshi was born in the release year of the Wii(and the game Wii Sports of course), which is about 7 years before the release of Geometry Dash, first starting off in Wuhu Island as a modified default Mii. His first visit to the Geometry Dash dimension is when he first played Lite and Meltdown in School, and began to grow to online levels in World. His very first personal icon during his first Scratch career is a green & orange crowned icon made by Last67706 from the Community Shop. When he started to play the Just Shapes & Beats Demo on his Nintendo Switch, he began to explore the Just Shapes & Beats dimension(as an unseen spectator witnessing events of The Pink Corruption). Therefore his first instance of Yoshi's true form has been created!


Icon Form (Geometry Dash)[]

This form appears as a green Bonus Recruit Kitty Icon(which some people mistake this form for Juniper), but has a smile mouth instead of an owo.

He sometimes wears his dark green cloak or jacket, and maybe a pentagonal bow to crossdress.

True Form (Just Shapes & Beats/The Pink Corruption)[]

He's a green hybrid shape of Cube and Dub(Second Form), with grey outlines on his ears(formerly orange).

His clothing and body looks similar to Cube and his cloak from Cube And Iris Dancing but the cloak has green outlines to have a neon design, and his hands are neon circles instead of square hands, and his scarf is long.

In a recent design update, he wears his Tomodachi Life Breton Shirt and the optional pentagon bow in this form. He'll keep his boots but will still have white socks, longer than his Mii's.

Mii Form (Miitopia: Parallel Miiverses/Wii Sports)[]

He's a green Default Mii/SSB4 Mii Fighter OC, but with the glasses that has a transformable mask of his True Form built in.(That's what the point of the mask is) As a Miitopia Warrior(Swordfighter/Swordplayer), wears a bulky yarn(Woolly) suit of armor(Probably resembling the Wii Swordplay armors) with a different helmet from either the Monster, Super, or Dragon armors. For his Tomodachi Life clothing aside the Alpine Dress Pentareta is using, he mainly wears a green Breton shirt(On Miitomo, he wears a horizontal stripped T-shirt with black lolita shoes and white socks to represent his Breton shirt as a Scratch Sprite).

Yoshi Form (Super Mario)[]

Appears similar to the original Yoshi, but his saddle back of the head were grey instead of orange, and his shoes were black with green outlines to represent his shoes of his true form. He sometimes appears with either the same ears as his true form or the same glasses as his Mii (Those glasses were common to his Nintendo forms)

Nowo Form (Nowoshi)[]

This form will appears as a normal green(replacing lime) recolored Nowo with grey outlined ears. Additionally, he has a Mechaniz/N.A.T.U. form named Yoshaniz(Codenamed Y.O.S.H.). It's one of his forms that appears in his scratch projects during a hiatus of his old True Form design.

Pentellow Form (Pentayoshi)[]

This form appears as a green recolored Pentellow/Pentareta with grey outlined ears, possibly a fusion between Yoshi and Pentareta. It's the only JSAB/PA form to have a Mii and True Blixer Form.

The Mii form is similar to Pentareta's but with brown, green, and grey hairs alongside some brown eyebrows and green glasses with pentagon symbols to match with Blixer Yoshi's.

Hero Form (Will be started soon)[]

Yoshi's hero form would have a true form face with the green long scarf and a striped outfit similar to his Mii. This form is used when he's played as Hal in certain Project Arrhythmia levels.

Other/Miscellaneous Forms[]

  • Tree Friend/Malino(HTF: Fuelines/Pretty Blood) - Appears as a Cat & Porcupine Hybrid with a face unique from other Happy Tree Friends characters to still represent his GD cat form(Slightly similar to Copper from Pretty Blood Red Snow).
  • Yoshi Magnet - A recolor of Kirbyzaz's Plusle & Minun OC Magnet, featuring black boots. Also includes a redesign.
  • Hello KittYoshi
  • Your Breakcore(My Melody)
  • Bacon Stripe(Cinnamoroll)


He's a happy, cute, and a cool cat. He's up for a challenge when someone wants to fight with him. He's young and small as Cube. He's nice to his friends most of the time. He sometimes act childish and is mostly a casual player, but he does have cool skills whenever he has the energy. Yoshi is associated with many music genres, mostly Glitch Hop, House(Future or Electro), Drum & Bass, and Eurobeat(More notably when using his Pentellow form).

During his appearances in Multiverse Corruption, he's a caretaker of Hal from Project Arrhythmia.

In Miitopia(and Wii Sports), his cool personality has useful quirks that makes him dodge and aim for weak points on enemies. He can also do those quirks in hand to hand combat.

His abilities and personalities are either similar and opposite to the original Yoshi from Super Mario, like his fast speed, and the hatred to eating eggs.

Statistics, Weapons, and Powers[]

As a main OC of his accounts, Blixer Yoshi can take his All-Rounder skills to the limits. He's multiclassed and has a high arsenal of guns & swords along with his emitting powers, and is fastest out of all the Polystorm Leaders (Slightly more than Pentareta). He even has abilities with his body, and he can use attacks that are copied from other characters(e.g. Cube's claw), and he can also shape shift or fuse with other characters. Considering that his digestive system storage is infinite, he can eat many objects and most weakened normal sized enemies by inhaling or mouth grabbing using respectively his cannon and claws from his mouth. Also because his change of forms also change his body shape(such as a circle to cat shaped cube), he has multiple superhuman abilities from other shapes(Quadrilatral Strength, Circular Speed, and Pentagonal & Triangular Resistance to viruses or some pain). Blixer Yoshi is both a tank and an attacking or speedy glass cannon depending on the form of the weapon he's using while still having balanced and casual stats. Yoshi may be strong, but he needs sources of triangle power along with his bonds with Hal and the Polystorm to fight against stronger enemies later on. One of Blixer Yoshi's problems with his powers is that he has major or minor Skill Issues. One of his favorite things to do with his weapons outside of combat is to play with them as harmless toys/nerf blasters.

Upcoming, almost all his holdable weapons will have an improved color palette, which adds white colors and lessens the dark green parts.

Stats (Scaled 1-10)[]

  • Attack: 1-10
  • HP: 8-10
  • Defense: 5-8
  • Speed: 10
  • Skillset: Multiclass, Platforming, Swordsmanship, Gunmanship, Musical Talent

Triangle Energy (TRIENG)[]

These triangles colored in different palettes of green and grey/white are Blixer Yoshi's power source to make his weapons and attacks stronger, similar to experience points and level ups of an RPG. These triangles are even similar to what Dub eats from the corrupted Tree Of Life, therefore Yoshi's triangles can be eaten as chips, specifically Tortilla ones but are also Potato Kettled.

Blixer Cannon/Vacuum[]

A projectile launching cannon used by Dub's second form(New Game and Final Boss). In his non Blixer forms, he used the cannon in his mouth.

This cannon can also inhale objects and enemies just like how Kirby does. Inhaling some elements can add up some extra attributes to his weapons.(inhaled fire enemies/objects give weapons fire damage to inflicted enemies, inhaled ice enemies/objects can slow targets with a low chance to freeze completely.)

This also gives Yoshi more range to absorb his energy triangles to increase weapon damage and ammo. Obtaining enough triangles along with the reunited powers of the Polystorm used to give Hal weapons will make him reveal his true form.


The normal ability used by the original Caretakers and their heroes.

Explosive Seal[]

Same functions as the normal sealing ability, but after a few seconds when an enemy is completely sealed, it shrinks and then explodes, and the enemies captured inside it will take damage. This is used in RPG fights because this different sealing ability is temporary.

Ground Bomb & Ground Storage[]

Like with the original Yoshi, he has a Ground Pound/Yoshi Bomb, where he sends enemies upwards in a radius while emitting a wave of triangles. Ground Storage(wall jump while preparing the Ground Bomb) allows him to go faster speeds or jump higher upon ground impact without pounding, similar to the Slam Storage technique in Ultrakill.

Railgunslinga (SMRG)[]

Yoshi's main zapping assault submachine railgun with different types of weapon forms, including an axe sword called the Excalibeat. This gun is produced by a weapon company that merged military and medieval weapons. It's based on the Wii Zapper, along with the Kriss Vector and PG3D's Neutron Pulsator and Sleipnir. This SMRG at stock uses regular bullets, but on specific upgrades, a glowing orb is active in the gun to add technology and lasering magic to the bullets. The glowing orb inside the rails is powered by a Wii Remote in order to generate an tracing line that is invisible to enemies, but can be upgraded to 2 Switch Joy-Cons to increase motion control accuracy. The rails can close to act as a suppressor. When the Railgunslinga alongside his other guns run out ammo, it will take 3 minutes to recharge ammo back up. The Railgunslinga also has a computer built in for enemy tracking or form switching, which can also make this SMRG talk like Skippy from Cyberpunk 2077.(voiced by S.A.M. Auto Mouth)

The Railgunslinga has several modes and gun forms: (Going hyper form enables combining modes)

  • Slam Burst (Semi-Auto/Multiple Shots)
  • Sniper (Long Range)
  • Demolition (FLASH Cannon)
  • Shotgun (Close Range)
  • Rumbledash(Dragon Flamethrowing LMG Mode; Minigun if using the cannon)
  • RC (Manual Guidence)
  • Tech Ranger (Target Lock Charge; RC Level 2)
  • Smart (Homing; RC Level 3; Based on Cyberpunk 2077)
  • Splitter (3 Directions)
  • Spread (Multiple Directions; Splitter Level 2)
  • Cluster (Area damaging Spike Bombs; Splitter Level 3)
  • PSY (All modes combined, excluding the pre upgraded modes)

Excalibeat (Sword; Formerly Star-Caliburn)[]

The Railgunslinga's sword form with a hidden axe in it is a common option for melee combat. Based on the Abyssium Blade from Super Kirby Clash. It is chargable via its small triangles that give Blixer Yoshi energy, so it can shoot green flaming, electric, or acidic cutting beams from its copper infused material, but the sword beams have a capacity and clip and it has to be reloaded like a gun when it's run out. While he goes really fast with the sword even without dashing or transforming, the axe decreases mobility by 40% if it's revealed. This also has a handle on the back, so it can form a shield within the axeblades to tank some hits and block melee attacks and small-medium bullets. Larger bullets such as from snipers and triangular sharpnels from bombs or when emitted decrease damage taken by 50% as a balance(but the explosion radius from bombs do not), and a lot of attacks will decrease shield energy depending on damage until it jams at zero for a limited time until it's automatically refixed again. And by swinging and unsheath the axe blades at the same time, it can block cancel an enemy(Passing though its guard; inspired by a Wii Sports Resort Swordplay strategy, just like the dodge quirk in Boxing), with a chance that it will break their enemy's shield and stun them. Additionally, it can parry and reflect attacks and projectiles with timing similar to Ultrakill and Zelda.

At higher upgrades, the Excalibeat posesses new forms on the sides of the blades aside the axe with extra attributes to blocking and reflecting, and the sword beam can change depending on the form.

Here are the extra forms to the Excalibeat

  • Chainsword (Can cut wood without burning it, effective on groups of lowest tier enemies, can one shot at the neck if lucky, shoots ricochetting buzzsaws similar to Buzzsaw Cutter from Kirby And The Forgotten Land)
  • Shape Saber (1000 Degree Lightsaber Blade that even cuts through metal and burns wood, Shoots Spiked Mines in a spread, melee attacking can cost beam ammo in exchange)
  • Skyhammer (Blunt and tough at cost of sharp edges, can fly sky high to breakthrough the invisible borders, can deal devestating damage when hitting at high speeds similar to Ultrakill's Alt Shotgun but will decrease mobility for few seconds after a full speed hit, Sword Beams are replaced with projectiles that the HTML5 can shoot except homing projectiles along with Plasma and Nuke.)
  • Seaweed Wrapped Fish (Random Attributes, Random Beams, Based on Ultra Tuna Sword from Kirby Return To Dreamland)

Steam Sniper Rifle[]

Railgunslinga's sniper form extends the front mouth and lock the scope out. Even though it's a sniper rifle form, it's automatic with a faster fire rate than Pentareta's Magentagon Crossbow, and even keeps the same reload from the normal SMRG form. But, it has a chargable invisible laser that breaks through walls. If uncharged, the laser can two shot or one headshot weak or glass cannon enemies. But a fully charged laser can instantly explode strong and tanked non boss enemies in one headshot, and also others around them if the enemy was successfully killed.

Short Squeakitty (DB Scattergun/Shotgun)[]

The shotgun mode of the Railgunslinga. It's a Automatic Tactical Sawed Off Double Barrel Shotgun, and is the best one out of all of Yoshi's weapons. This shotgun is powered with triangle energy powered shotgun shell batteries that shoot deadly triangle debris, sharp and hard enough to destroy glass as the hardness of spark plug fragments. These fragments are faster projectiles, so these can be parried with any melee weapo Each shell can be used 6 times before it's fully drained, and they're not chargable. It's also pump action too, when reloading full ammo. This form doesn't use Splitter and it's upgrades due to it being a shotgun, and the fact that the barrels can multiply if they're upgraded, allowing to increase batteries up to 6. It has an ability to combo dual with the original SMRG form of the Gunslinga, along with the arms & claws for reloading.

The new name from Shorty Cut to Short Squeakitty comes from PG3D's Mouse themed triple barrel shotgun Last Squeak.

This shotgun has special shots that drains one full battery(Based from ULTRAKILL's Core Eject Shotgun). It can shoot 2-6 special shots(without auto fire) before reload depending on how much barrels and batteries are on the shotgun, but some special shots use up all batteries before reload:

  • Flarework (Shoots a flare to signal or burn enemies; can act like TF2 Scorch Shot; Can be Ultrakill Core Eject Sniped or Nuked with hitscans or fast explosives)
  • Buck Swarmer (The pellets become Smart or RC projectiles like a Cyberpunk Smart Shotgun; Parrying the pellets will turn some of them into hitscan tracers)
  • Becoil (Knocksbacks enemies and Yoshi similar to the TF2 Force-A-Nature/Fortnite Dub; Can increase point-blank range damage at high speeds like the Ultrakill Jackhammer)
  • Slugger (Sniper slug with a tighter buck shot on top, best for long ranges)
  • Sonic Pulser (Wave Pulser Net that pierces through walls and disables gadgets; Chance to recon enemies or disable weapons with emp)
  • Dinoneer (A powerful normal buckshot, even most deadly shot once fully upgraded; Uses up all batteries before reload similar to Ultimatum, but it has to charge. Damage and charge duration increases based on how much batteries.)

Glock 98 (Pistol)[]

The pistol mode for the Railgunslinga is shown as a light weight and high mobile pistol form that shoots pellets at an instant speed, but it's the weakest gun if Blixer Yoshi has less triangle energy. This form enables a surpressor, and even uses duel wielding power of a small dual portal, which increases dps and enables semi auto fire.

It can be upgraded from a normal glock to a laser railpistol. It has a different load sliding design similar to PG3D's Fake Pistol, and it now has a scope built in the slider. The upgraded Glock 98 can switch modes from automatic(similar firerate as Railgunslinga but less recoil and damage; inspired by TAC Pistol from Fortnite Chapter 4) to sniper(Wall Piercing laser with less firerate; inspired by Exterminator and Thunderer from PG3D)

Instead of shooting a large shot in Tech Ranger mode, it fires in Amen Break bursts, similar to the Noble Ranger ability from Kirby and the Forgotten Land and the tech pistols from Cyberpunk 2077. The burst ends off the burst fire with an actual large shot, which forms a damaging orb of green fire. The upgraded version of the orb has a plasma effect, where the orb is smaller but zaps nearby enemies in a short to mid range distance from the orb, making it easier against the covering enemies.

H.T.M.L. 5 (Rocket Launcher)[]

This is the demolition mode for the Railgunslinga. It's a quadruple speaker-shaped barrel cannon replacing the front crystal of the gun and is based on the M202 Flash with a border to make it look like a Blixer Cannon in side view. It can be used for rocket jumping or c4 jumping at the cost of his base mobility without using these abilities. It is powered by an RNG Item Box mixed with the triangles to fire out the objects. Its fire sound from the speaker barrels can be really loud depending on the projectile and it they don't have any suppressor forms at all. The name HTML5 comes from a type of file/internet game engine similar to Adobe Flash. As a name of the gun, it abbreviates to: High Tech Missile Launcher 5.

This launcher shoots objects listed here(and all of them deal area damage; These can be also applied to his Blixer Cannon):

  • Shape (Default rockets)
  • Shard (Cluster Damaging Rockets, slow speed)
  • Pin Baller (Green) Shell (Dereflect Mode Enabled)
  • Heat (Seeker/Red) Shell (Smart Mode Enabled, lowest blast radius and decreased damage)
  • Sky Wing(Blue) Shell (Locks on Vehicles or Far Distance Targets, highest blast radius)
  • Buck Bill (Happy Bullet Bills, faster rockets, more damage on direct hit, decreased damage in area)
  • Missile Bill (Heat Seeking Bullet Bills, Faster unnerfed Heat Shells)
  • Cannonball (Arc Grenades)
  • C4 (Stickybombs)
  • Shocker (EMP Sticky Jumping Shockwave Grenades. Deals no damage to enemies except regular cars; Temporarily disables normal turrets/tanks and gadgets and weakens weapon damage from any special rival's turrets)
  • Dod-omd (Bob-ombs that act like Loose Cannon Projectiles)
  • Pentrawberry (Pentareta's explosives but colored in green. They have same attributes, and he might pair this with the Excalibeat as an advantage.)
  • Kindergarten Surprise (RNG Egg Rockets, will also drop damaging items just like the Yoshi Eggs in Mario Kart Double Dash.)
  • Plasma Pulse (PG3D Plasma Rockets; Most powerful normal projectile at full charge. Same fire rate as the pre-nerfed Solar Flare, but weaker when uncharged)
  • Bursting Nucleus (One shot atomic missile; Level 2 Final Smash exclusive)

Beef Bass (Microphone)[]

Another one of the Railgunslinga's melee forms. This time it was a fusion of the Excalibeat and Pentareta's Vocaloid Mic. This microphone can even chain attack like hers, but it was done by throwing the mic while its cord was attached to Blixer Yoshi's hand(Similar to Boyfriend's unused attack animation from Friday Night Funkin). The speed of the thrown mic is faster than the Excalibeat that it increases into an instant travel time whenever Yoshi spams different gun forms of the Railgunslinga(kind a like a Pixel Gun 3 Catagory Spamming). It can also act like a grappling hook(Like an Ultrakill Whiplash, but can parry coins). Unlike the Vocaloid mic, it has a built in Sausage Fattener and an optional tape recorder quality sample rate option(Bass Boost Voice Changer) to deal a lot of enemy and friendly fire damage from yelling at the mic(powerful than Way Out Of Tune). The pulsing orb is even replaced with cluster spikes, and it even shatters into fragments instead of glass, so it acts like a stick grenade. The mic can also parry and reflect attacks, but the parry range is the longest than the Excalibeat and the Kit Blaster/Bomber. The model of the mic was reused from -ComicScratcher34-'s FNF(GNG:Geometry Night Gamin) microphone sprites. This was also used for his Mii form's Pop Star job and also his Mii Pentellow/Pentareta form PentaYoshi(With the grid parts of the mic formed to pentagons). This can be eaten as a chocolate bar, based on Nadiya8040's idea involving that. Sometimes eating the mic can give him Yoshi's Mii form. The name of this weapon is a pun on a burger Mii from Poofesure's Mii videos (And Fortnite) named Beef Boss.

Beef Hero (Guitar)[]

A Neon Gibson Guitar Hero Controller based on Dub's Xplorer Guitar. The fret buttons have funky arrows labeled.

Kit Blaster & Kit Bomber[]

Blixer Yoshi's two types of arm cannons, and they're also melee weapons like the Excalibeat and the Beef Bass. The Kit Blaster is based on Kitcat's hands with the bottom part functioning like the Blixer Cannon(This even has railgun or rumbledash modes) It's accessible to any of the forms except his Mii forms. The Mii version of the Kit Blaster, called the Kit Bomber, is based on a Mii Gunner's default arm cannon and Pixel Gun 3D's Cat Bomber. Both arm cannons can be used for both ranged and melee combat, and can parry and reflect attacks ULTRAKILL style like the Excalibeat. Unlike the Excalibeat, it has an ability to Knuckle Blast ULTRAKILL style as well.

Matrix Pressure(Perfect Dodge + Pressure Point combo)[]

His slow down counterattack

OcularStation VisoR[]

A PSVR Goggle that was hidden in Yoshi's Mii Glasses. Increases laser vision thickness and has an ability to slow down time Inspired from Astro Bot and Ultrakill, making aiming easier and gives him a chance to fly some rockets. But it can also give his Mii form some Blixer Eyes if he wants to feel even more cool. This is also built in Yoshi's Miitopia Warrior Helmet

Polyber Knight Armor[]

Blade Dragon Wings[]

Blixer Yoshi uses these sharp wings to fly freely and pierce through walls, along with pillars and logs as they 100% fall towards a nearby enemy. It was more faster and manuverable than using a ship/jetpack. The wings even enables Yoshi to shoot outdragon breath related projectiles such as a flamethrower from the attached cannon. The wings are also attached to Glock 69/96% and the Beef Bass.


This is Blixer Yoshi's shape shifting ability.

List of characters he can transform to: ([*] = Appeared in MVC)[]

  • Default Mii/Mii Brawler/Personal Mii
  • Yoshi
  • Kirby
  • Magnet(Kirbyzaz's OC; Stickman Form)
  • Magnet(Pokemon Body Form)
  • Nowo(Nowoshi)*
  • N.A.T.U(Nowoshi Core Form)*
  • Pentellow(Mii Form Only; I haven't made the original TPC version yet*)
  • Porqupine Kitty hybrid Tree Friend (Based on Flaky)
  • Sanrio Characters (Hello Kitty, My Melody/My Bass Drum, or Cinnamoroll/Bacon Stripe)
  • Tank
  • Any of his cars (Most notably the Mclaren F1/E1 XR-25 in MVC Season 3)

Drone Triangles[]

They're hovering light green triangle turrets that shoot projectiles and laser beams, even homing balls that explode. It can even heal Blixer Yoshi just like the ones in TPC episode 2, but it has a cooldown after healing. Fusing multiple triangle drones will change into any of the tank forms(Based on called Tankygons. It's most likely useful for turret fights. This is first used in a Geometry Dash remix fight with Lukey The Fire Cube(LukeProjector from Scratch).


Fused Drone Triangles that can act as sentries.

List of Tankangles:

  • Twin Turbo
  • Carrion (Battleship that spawns drone triangles)
  • Yeet Racer (Based on DXL's Spyeeter)

Blixer Railgun[]

The sniper form of the Blixer Cannon and not Railgunslinga. The Blixer Railgun has less laser hitbox but with more range, noise suppression, and damage.

Neko Pequeno (Rumbledash Cannon)[]

A Minigun form of the Blixer Cannon or the Railgunslinga based off the Rumble Bang (Yoshi's Minigun in Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle), and is also powered with a chainsaw pull string similar to Far Cry 6's El Pequeno Resolver Minigun.

Arm & Claws[]

They're the same arms Dub used(Along with Cubic respectively for the claws). The arms are useful for reloading both the Railgunslinga & Shorty Cut at the same time when dual wielding. The arms have more bulk while the claws have easier grip. The claws can be spawned from his mouth or the Blixer Cannon to eat objects and normal enemies including his energy triangles as an alternative to inhaling them. The arms don't spawn from the mouth nor was shot from his cannon. The claws are also used as a grappling hook(pulls light enemies and props towards him, pulls him towards heavy enemies or stationary objects).

Beat Mark[]

Arcing SMW Dragon Coins/JSAB Beatpoints that Yoshi can toss(in a 4 ammo cooldown) and shoot like Ultrakill's Marksman. The less the fire rate of the gun, the more damage. This means that shooting these marks with automatic weapons won't deal enough damage to kill an enemy even with multiple marks tossed.

The Beat Mark will function differently when in his My Melody(My Bass Drum) form.

Pentakill Mod (Used by Pentayoshi)[]

Gives any of the Railgunslinga's gun forms a damage boost but fire rate cost via attaching Pentayoshi's bow to the guns. (Inspiration of the Slab Revolvers from ULTRAKILL)

Railcross (Used by Pentayoshi)[]

A reskin of Pentareta's Pentacross with similar attributes and firing & reload speed to the Railgunslinga, mostly used when dualwielding.


  • Fuel Absorbant - Healing by enemy blood ability, inspired from Ultrakill
  • Illogical Trauma Healing - Healing by taking out shrapnel w/ Pentagon powers, inspired from Far Cry
  • KururinHS Shuffle (Used by Your Breakcore) -Yoshi's variant of Melody Mark/Kuru Kuru Shuffle, in conjunction with his Beat Marks
  • Beat Badge - Provides boosts to Blixer Yoshi, kind like equipping power-ups before combat. (Inspired from Yoshi's Woolly World)
    • Tryhard Boost - More damage dealt & more speed as health is lowered.
    • Kamek-Khaze - Chance to explode on death when using an Easy Way Out on himself.

Music Genre & Weapon Types[]

  • Main Music Genre: Miscellaneous (He likes listening to any kind of music)
  • 100-120 BPM Music: Glitch Hop (TheFatRat, Teminite, Panda Eyes)
  • 120-130 BPM Music: Future or Regular House (NCS, Newgrounds, MonsterCat etc.)
  • 140-150 BPM Music: Dubstep (Teminite), Trance (Nitro Fun, Waterflame, Redeilia, Megasphere)
  • 150-180 BPM Music: DRUM & BASS, HARDCORE, BREAKCORE (BurgeraX, Teminite, Camellia, Redeilia, Hakita, etc.)
  • Melee: Sword, Axe
  • Automatic: SMG (Railgun Hybrid)
  • Shotgun: Sawed Off Double Barrel
  • Handgun: Pistol (Glock)
  • Sniper: Railgun
  • Heavy: Rocket Launcher w/ Different Ammo


Note that his relationships Tomodachi Life are not canon due to being RNG based.

Hal (Nano)[]

Blixer Yoshi is a babysitter caretaker of Hal in Multiverse Corruption. Formerly, Hal was going to be Perry's(From Ol666's Black Heart) hero, but he died 2 times in the story, and since the whole Black Heart series is unfinished, we'll never know if Perry will stay dead or be revived again.


Blixer Yoshi and Pentareta were most likely childhood best friends since they met in the GD world when she was a harmless corrupt. Both are leaders of the Polystorm group. She treats Yoshi like she's both a mother and friend, and he comforts Pentareta at the end when things go wrong with each other.


Octyrus is Blixer Yoshi's mentor in the MVC series, and Yoshi likes to hang out with him together with Pentareta most likely.



They're of course good friends. They even share the same body and cloak with different colors.


She was one of Blixer Yoshi's favorite characters in Pink Corruption.



His beeps sound 8 bit in 1/4 chip wave, and they're composed in Beepbox. He doesn't use other beeps from other characters.(Formerly, he does, and his beeps sound like Cyan and then Tsavorite in older versions.)

However if his form is currently Pentayoshi, she uses both Yoshi's beepbox sounds Pentellow's beeps mixed together.


Due Yoshi being not into voice acting, he uses a text to speech voice made from Miitomo. He also uses voice clips from other characters or real people as Blixer Yoshi's voice acting(Yoshi, Kirby, Npesta, Juniper, Colon, TF2 Scout, Sniper, Ultrakill V1/SAM TTS, and the meme sound effects)

While singing(FNF Style), his voice is made on Korg Gadget(Chicago's Iron Cat; Recorded via Nintendo Switch's Capture Button), as he doesn't like singing with his irl voice.

Additionally he likes mimicking sounds such as breakcore drums, gunshots, and reloads with his irl voice.


  • He's one of the characters to be Geometry Dash related.
  • Blixer Yoshi's name is based on his favorite Mario character Yoshi(T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas), which is why he's green despite not being a Yoshi specie.
    • Dub's nickname "Blixer" in "Blixer Yoshi" also represents that he's a Blixer/Dub OC.
    • The orange color of his triangle ears for his True Form's old design represents Yoshi's boots, but it was changed to grey so it'll represent the hyper form of the GD form.
    • Additionally the original Yoshi's Super Mario World 1&2/Mario Kart 64/Mario Party 1-3 voice clips are used when reloading or fixing jams on the Railgunslinga, and the modern tounge sound is used when using the Claws as its ammo. The "Yoshiii!" voice clip is also used in the Railgunslinga's equip animation.
  • Blixer Yoshi meets Tsavorite

    Yup, they're different characters alright.

    Normally, he's going to replace Tsavorite's role, but it's comfirmed that they're different characters in most AUs that they appear in, including T.R.I. and MVC.
    • Also, Blixer Yoshi and Tsavorite are both green characters, so I still think it might be better if they're different characters.
    • This former fact is changed to him and Hal meeting Tsavorite and his caretaker Pentellow and her Polystorm counterpart Pentareta before they meHiCube and Cyan in Multiverse Corruption.
  • Only the cat cube and Mii forms are the only one of his forms to crossdress as a female, respectively via wearing a recolor of Pentellow's bow or wearing Miitopia's Female Pop Star equipment.
    • Some of his other forms might crossdress soon, except his true form where there's an option to transform to a Pentellow recolor(Pentayoshi).
  • He can be classified as an OUO carben, while also classified as both a shape and monster.
  • His cat cube form obviously doesn't have a Pink Corruption styled body, but in some AUs that include him(esspecially Jordanli04's style, Hobbybutterfly's JSAB AU OYH, and Bubby Aurora's GD AU Corroshift(As a different character)), he has a body in his normal form.
  • He also appears in another TPC AU called The Red Infection.(AU made by his Scratch friend ComicScratcher34 / RudeDuke06#9297)
    • His Red Infection counterpart is named Glitch101.

      Himself but red infected.

  • In early 2020, he doesn't most likely use the :) face, instead, he mostly uses the :3 face just like a regular cat icon to make his animations more like Juniper's old animations.
  • He used to be an uncreative and cringy animator and project remixer on Scratch since 2018 to late 2019. He's not even comfortable with his old version of his true form. He even made a dead JSAB crossover series called Just Icons & Yoshis.
    • His old version of his true form not only has orange ears instead of grey, but he has the hexagons on his head just like Purpex's, which those decoration is not really good with. And his emotion is very happier than the new version.
  • His rival is formerly Specter Boss(La Danse Macabre). What he realized is that Specter boss is a good person to Yoshi and Hexerox is disguising as her.
  • In his old projects, Yoshi has a Pokemon pet Wooper. It's unknown when it will reappear again yet in Yoshi's current times.
  • His dual portal clone is named Evergreen. Evergreen is also a TPC x GD crossover character like Blixer Yoshi and she also has a true form(Concept is made by Jordanli04).
    • Blixer Yoshi and Evergreen call themselves the Juniper Beat Siblings,hence them resembling GDJuniper.
    • Evergreen's favorite music genre is electro swing as her type of house music.
  • He's one of the cutest OCs based on Dub(Blixer), only behind Poppy(From OYH) and Evergreen.
  • He has a copycat form based on Pentellow, but so far this was only for his Mii form in his Miitopia gameplay(Miitopia: Parallel Miiverses). This form is a fusion of his personal Mii and Mii Pentareta.
  • Most of his clothing for any of his forms are made of fire resistant wool(from a special cat yarn).
    • The wool material for these clothings can also reference Yoshi's Woolly World, which is why this was Yoshi's preferable equipment set in Miitopia.
    • The special wool material is also applied to Pentareta's Woolly equipment.
  • Although Green is Yoshi's primary color, his clothing can come in different colors. However this only works for his Mii or GD Cube forms.
    • When wearing a Pink Breton Shirt, it will have a graphic of Hello Kitty, My Melody, and Kuromi on the shirt, which is based on a Hello Kitty Graphic Tee he bought at 5 Below irl. The Pink Breton Shirt can also work together with Pentareta's Strawberry Bow and Pentagon Bow as seen on the thumbnail of his video about beating two Halloween themed Geometry Dash levels.
  • His Pop Star job on his original Mii form(esspecially the female clothing) could resemble the GD Youtuber Etzer(Specifically any kinds of Earrape) or Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin.
  • While personally he prefers to be single esspecially irl, he's coupled with Pentareta & Octyrus' child ship Pentyrus in Tomodachi Life.
  • Despite not liking dogs in general, he likes Cinnamoroll from Sanrio/Hello Kitty.(Since at first Yoshi thought Cinnamon is a bunny)
  • His other favorite type of drumset aside Amen is the 808 because of the cowbell, which are used in Cinnamoroll: The Movie and Hanatan - Break The Hierarchie.
  • He drives an all-around Corvette C7 Grand Sport(Based on the one from Asphalt 9), a drifty Cobretti Slipstream(A fictional car from Split Second), a quick Patriot P10-XR and Mirage LX7 (Both fictional cars from Motorstorm Apocalypse), an exotic Lamborghini Diablo SV & GTR(From Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2010, Payback, and Heat) and a Special Mclaren F1(From NFS Hot Pursuit 2 & 2010 and Heat).
    • The C7 GS was also used as his Miitopia horse.
    • Although the Diablo SV has its own custom livery, he prefers the SV logo to be black, so he chose the original Verde Ithaca color with the black SV logo instead.
    • His Diablo SV is nicknamed "Igni Copper Diablo XV"(ICDXV), referencing Ice Carbon Diablo X(ICDX). His F1 is nicknamed "E1 XR-25" or "Egg 1 XR-25", referencing Egg 1 from Mario Kart alongside Yoshi's P10-XR and the F1's XP-5 varient.
    • If the F1 uses an extended Longtail backside, it's nicknamed "E1 GPR-50 Kittytail"
      • If it uses NFS Heat Black Market fenders, it's nicknamed "E1 GPR-50 Sennabyte"
      • The F1 will also have turbine boosters on the rear bumper and spoiler inspired from the Automotive T.50
    • All his cars can be converted to Karts(Scaled down w/ removed roofs), Hovercrafts(Wheels shift down; Small Wings form), and Ships(Big wings and boost jets form).
      • In MVC, his cars that will appear will be in Kart configurations.
    • The E1 can be created when Yoshi merges with the ICDXV in MVC season 3.
  • An outdated information about him is right here.
    • He was canon to the actual Geometry Dash Episodes unlike his other OCs such as Pentareta, so he does appear in DXL's Store with Totalpro64.
    • You can now also see his page on the My Miis Wiki alongside the Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki


  • "Meow meow meow!"
  • "Meh!"
  • "BWOMP!"
  • "Yoshi!!!"
  • "Oi? Did you hear that?"
  • "I heard someone, and it was Technical!"
  • "Mi a di burnin fiyah, a natural born killa!" (Singing Pegboard Nerds Gunslinga)
  • "I PULL YA GUN FINGA TRIGGA!!!" (Singing Pegboard Nerds Gunslinga again; First Miitopia war cry)
  • "Eating is a meal..." (From Juniper's Google Translate Video; Current Miitopia War Cry)
  • "NOOO DUDE! GRRR!!!"
  • "When I push the gas pedal on my pocket!(Imma pop it)" (Teminite - Work)
  • "It must be DESTROID! it will do nothing but KILL!!!" (New Destroid Annihilate Joke, this time it's Teminite Mutant's quote)
  • "I am Blixer Yoshi! YOU HAVE BEEN DESTROID!!!" (His old Destroid Annihilate Joke)
  • "Beep!" (Impression of FNF Boyfriend)
  • "Here comes the FBI! Oh wait what? AAAAAA-"
  • "OI!!!"
  • "Double Barrel Shotguns for the win!!!" (When holding dual Shorty Cuts)
  • "BLOODY BOGAN!!!" (TF2 Sniper Quote; Mii & True Forms only)
  • "Chain Attack!!!"
  • "Ding a Ding Dang my Dang a Long Ling Long" (Quoted from Jesus Built My Hotrod, some Motorstorm Pacific Rift song Waluigi would sing.)
  • "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!:)"
  • "I love gd cologne"
  • "Miital Pipeh!(Metal Pipe)"
  • "I'm not gonna sugarcoat it!"
  • "EWW!!!(Sugarcoating)"




Vehicles(* Means that this car has an appearance in MVC)[]



True Form Transformation

Reload Animations[]

